Monday, October 4, 2010

First Single-Player DLC to be Released For BioShock 2

This is the first single-player DLC to be released for BioShock 2. However, it won’t be the last. 2K says an additional single-player content pack is on the way that will “expand the narrative, and introduce new tools and new challenges that extend the lore and fiction of the failed utopia under the sea.”

Which takes players back    to some of their favorite places from the original game and features  some of    the biggest challenges that fans of this series have ever experienced.  This    is just the beginning. More single-player content is on the way that  will deliver    more of the intense action and story-driven gameplay that fans have  been craving.”

Protector Trials will be available starting August 3, 2010 from the  Xbox LIVE Marketplace for 400 Microsoft Points, and from the PlayStation  Network for $4.99.

Known as "Protector Trials," the DLC once again  sees you take control of Big Daddy as you defend a Little Sister  "against swarms of corrupt Splicers who are hell-bent on stealing the  precious ADAM that she gathers from corpses."

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