Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lady Gaga recording tracks on tour bus

Lady Gaga12 199x300 Lady Gaga recording tracks on tour bus 'Poker Face' singer Lady Gaga is said to be recording tracks for her next album in a mini studio on her tour bus.

Gaga, 24, is currently travelling the world with her Monster Ball tour, and according to R 'n' B singer Akon, who signed her to his KonLive label in 2007, she has not stopped work on her next album.

"She records while she's on the road. I'm flying out to Europe to work on some new records with her," the Daily Star quoted him as telling Vibe magazine.

"Gaga's just like me. She has a tour bus with a studio in it. Some of the songs I've heard are going to be crazy. She's getting bigger and better," he added.

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