Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lara Bingle says dad¡¯s death made her appreciate simple things in life

lara bingle2 200x300 Lara Bingle says dad's death made her appreciate simple things in life Model Lara Bingle has revealed that her father's death made her appreciate simple things in life.

The fiancee of Australian cricketer Michael Clarke lost her father to bowel cancer.

"My father was diagnosed with bowel cancer in September 2006. When we heard the news, initially we were all in shock," the Daily Telegraph quoted her as saying.

“You hear of things like this happening to other people all the time, but you just never think it is going to happen to you and your immediate family.

"My dad was so full of life; he loved the ocean and just being at the beach. Even when he was initially diagnosed with the disease, he never showed any signs of being sick. That was my dad – he always put on a brave face for his family.

"I was very close to my dad and we did everything together. I guess you could say I was daddy's little girl. Because he loved the ocean, we would go surfing together and spend time at the beach – we were always laughing and having fun.

"We have always been a close family, and when you are confronted with the possibility of losing one of your parents it just makes you more aware of what's important in life and to dedicate time to the things that make you happy.

"Since my dad died, I think I try to appreciate the beautiful things in life, whether it be an amazing sunset or sunrise. I just like to make sure I am appreciating the simple things in life.

"Today I am an ambassador for Bowel Cancer Australia (BCA). When I became aware of the disease through my dad's diagnosis and saw what he went through, and was subsequently educated about how many Australians it affects, it inspired me to help other families from having to go through what my family and I went through.

"I believe that if people are educated about bowel cancer from a young age, they can in turn educate their parents. This results in the disease being detected early on, and will help prevent more people dying from bowel cancer," she added.

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