Friday, November 26, 2010

Katrina Hodge

Meet Katrina Hodge, a British soldier who has been dubbed Combat Barbie, a Miss England beauty pageant finalist and a combat veteran with commendations for bravery.

Read about her below, including a biography, sexy soldier photos and a video.Lance Corporal Katrina Hodge is a soldier in the British Army and a part-time model who has made the final cut for the title of Miss England. The beauty pageant will be held on July 18th. She has been called a sexy soldier (obviously) and dubbed Combat Barbie. Her nickname was a result of her showing up for boot camp dressed head to toe in pink and carrying pink suitcases.

But there's a lot more to her than her than what the image of 'Barbie' might conjure up in someone's mind. She apparently is quite capable of holding her own in the rough world of rough men in combat. She was deployed to Basra, Iraq in 2005 when she was just 18-years-old. Regardless of her nickname, no one underestimates her courage and skills following an incident in which she was able to grab two (TWO!) riffles from an insurgent who was holding herself and other members of her regiment at gunpoint. She received a commendation for bravery.

"We detained an Iraqi suspect and on the way back to our base our vehicle was in a road traffic accident and it rolled over three times," she said.

"When it came to a halt I suddenly realised that the suspect had my weapon and the other soldier's weapon.

"I just looked at him and in that split second I thought 'oh my God, he's going to kill me'.

"But my instinct came in and I thought 'I'll just whack him'.

"It was just a big adrenaline rush and I had to do something."

Katrina Hodge Biography

Katrina Hodge is 21-years-old and is in the Royal Anglian Regiment. She is currently based at Frimley Park Hospital in Camberley. She is a military clerk with The Adjutant General's Corps.

Ms. Hodge says she hopes the exposure she is getting through the Miss England pageant will show others that you don't have to be 'butch' to join the Army and will encourage other women to join.


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