Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shia LaBeouf wants to do grittier roles

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Transformers star Shia LaBeouf has revealed that he wants to do grittier roles.

He told FHM: “I really like all that beatnik culture, I think it would be fun, just for my family, and the way that I was raised.

He added: “I don”t know if I”m interested in the blockbuster whimsical stuff any more – I want to be a little ballsier; balls, blood and death, kind of thing… Not outrageously so, just something a little grittier, with a little more meat to chew on.”

Shia also admitted that he has given up alcohol after getting into trouble with the cops, reports The Mirror.

“I”ve been in a lot of trouble. I”ve been arrested a bunch of times. I f***ed around for a while, so now I don”t drink any more,” he said.

The 23-year-old added: “Drinking is s****y for me, I don”t know how to compose myself… I don”t know how to drink like a gentleman. When I drink, I get crazy. I have never had a beer because I like the taste of beer. I always had a beer to get f***ed up.”

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