Sunday, November 21, 2010

Star Wars The Old Republic

Star Wars The Old RepublicLatest Update News About Star Wars The Old Republic, The mystery Star Wars title announced for Kinect on the Xbox 360 isn’t the only one being discussed at E3 2010 this week. EA’s most expensive project ever, “Star Wars: The Old Republic” showed up to its publisher’s big media event today, and BioWare rolled out some new info on the MMO.

Every player will be able to command his or her or starship, according to a report on Joystiq. That should mean good fun for everyone who’s ever harbored a Han Solo fantasy.

Additionally, BioWare broke out some footage of what it’s like for a female Jedi with a double lightsaber to take on a Sith in the forests of Alderaan. The intense sequence that was part of a new trailer looked right at home in the Star Wars universe and should seriously have you grinding your teeth together as the Jedi uses the Force to repel an attempted skewering.

Unfortunately, there’s still no launch date at the end of it, though, so it looks like sometime after March 2011 is still the best we’ve got to go on. Keep concentrating on your midi-chlorians, though, and maybe we’ll get something playable by next E3.

What kind of starship do you want to fly in “The Old Republic”? Do you think you’ll have a character ready to plug into the game when it launches? Share your expectations in the comment section below.


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