Saturday, December 18, 2010

Aibea Wage Revision Latest News All Banking Solutions Union

AIBEA wage revision news is posted on website of  AIBEA � All India Bank Employees Association in AIBEA news section. The  AIBEA union is the largest and oldest trade union of bank employees in  India. It is one of the premier trade unions in our country. Simlar to  AIBEA is AIBOA � All India Bank Officers Association.

Aibea Wage Revision Latest News  by All India Bank Employee  Association. AS per the Aibea Wage  Revision Latest News IBA (Indian Bank Association) and AIBEA (All  Indian Bank Employee  Association)  has settled the new revised wage  rates. These rates can be checked at the official site of AIBEA.

So please visit at for Aibea Wage Revision Latest News by All India Bank Employee  Association

As per the latest meeting held between five workmen unions and IBA,  these are the updates after detailed discussions.

1.    Scales  of Pay:

Clerical Staff: 6200 � 400 x 3 � 7400 � 500 x3 � 8900 �  600 x 4 � 11300 � 700 x 7 � 16200 � 1300 x 1 � 17500 � 800 x 1 � 18300.

Substaff:  5500 � 200 x 4 � 6300 � 250 x 5 � 7550 � 300 x 4 � 8750 � 350 x 3 �  9800 � 400 x 3 � 11000.

2.    Stagnation Increment:

Clerical: 7  stagnation increments (800 x 6 once in 3 years & 800 (7th) after 2  years)

Substaff: 7 stagnation increments (400 x 7 once in 2  years)

Extended Pay Scales: (With Stagnation increment)

Clerical:  6200 � 18300 � 23900.

Substaff: 5500 � 11000 � 13800.

3.     DA: 0.15% per slab over 2836 points.

4.    HRA:

a)     Places over 45 lacs   : 10%

b)     12 to 45 lacs             : 9%

c)    5 to 12 lacs               :  7.5%

d)    Below 5 lacs             : 7%

5.    Transport  Allowance: (For Clerks and Substaff)

Upto 15th Stage: Rs. 225 per  month

16th Stage and above:  Rs. 275 per month

6. Special Pay:

For November, 2007  to April, 2010: Existing Special Pay will be revised and arrears paid  for both clerks and subordinate staff.

From May, 2010 – For  Clerks

*Present No Special Pay holders         : Rs. 1000/-

*Present Special Pay holders             : Rs. 1500/-

*Head  Cashier II                             : Rs. 1780/-

*Special  Assistant                            : Rs. 2180/-

(Note: Out of  this, Rs. 1000/- will be added to Basic Pay and balance will continue as  Special Pay.)

From May, 2010 – For subordinate staff

*Present No Special Pay holders         : Rs. 350/-

*Present  Special Pay holders – Revised Special Pay

(Note: Out of this,  Rs. 350/- will be added to Basic Pay and balance will continue as  Special Pay.)

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