Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brett Michaels Condition

Brett Michaels ConditionBrett Michaels Condition, Bret Michaels Condition After Brain Hemorrhage Celebrity Apprentice contestant Bret Michaels is currently in critical condition after suffering from a brain hemorrhage on April 22nd. The former Poison singer reported having an agonizing headache before the hemorrhage took place. Bleeding at the base of the brain stem was discovered by doctors.

On April 12, Michaels had an emergency appendectomy (in layman's terms: his appendix was removed) after experiencing severe stomach pains. Add on top of all of this his suffering from diabetes, and I just can't help but feel bad for this guy―hair extensions and all.

Michaels' publicist released information that the musician is conscious but experiencing slurred speech due to the hemorrhage. He reports, "Bret is a fighter and we are hopeful that once all is complete, the slurred speech, blurred vision and dizziness etc. will be eliminated and all functions will return to normal."The cause of the hemorrhage has not yet been found (or disclosed), but Michaels is currently undergoing tests and being constantly monitored in hopes of discovering the source of the internal bleeding.

I'm not a ridiculously huge fan of Bret Michaels, but I definitely enjoyed all of the seasons of Rock of Love. Yes, I'm kind of shallow. However, I hope he continues to recover and can overcome this tragic obstacle.

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