Monday, December 20, 2010

Justin Bieber Breaks Neck

Justin Bieber Breaks NeckLatest Update News About Justin Bieber Breaks Neck: With each passing week, we learn a little something new about Justin Bieber. 16 years), Canadian pop star is not just a great singer but also a good basketball player, the designer in his personal humor and loves Beltway. According to Sean Kingston, who is also perfect when it comes to making videos and music.

The recent "feature" frame by frame to MTV News, Kingston, and sat to talk with us through video. Within the narratives behind the scenes, pointing out how one of the girls took nearly earring from his ear, and pointed to a cameo from Romeo. But it was disclosed to him the largest "Eenie Meenie" star joint. In one scene, he said that MTV News Bieber did not like the salmon-colored shirt was worn for more than a section. "Justin hates that shirt," said Kingston.

Apparently, Bieber was also not satisfied with the performance of one of the girls in the video. At one point, he leaves the stage with dancers in striped shirt, and it was one that would reach Bieber. "He hated her, because she can not dance at all," said Kingston. "I remember he said the manager to stop the entire video because it was off the beat and was very mad. Everyone started laughing."

Other detection "frame by including" window dancer and one who nearly broke his neck (twice!) Kingston and confusion on the use of touch-screen displays, in a section (which was empty, and was only the graphics and added in post production). Check the feature below.

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