Monday, December 27, 2010

Personal Taste Ep 14

Personal Taste Ep 14Latest UPdate News About Personal Taste Ep 14: It looks like Personal Taste will most likely not get its extension after all, according to producers on May 13, who explained that "While [MBC] hasn't made a final decision yet, internally we think it will be difficult."

They added that this drama has had some external problems with time slot and strike issues. The drama has sold out all its advertising and its soundtrack has had popular response so they approached extension talks cautiously, but as the strike issue gets dragged out, the extension is looking more and more improbable.

And… we all rejoice! I'd been trying to be open-minded about the prospect, but I really think this was meant to be a 16-episode show, and it will be a better drama as such. Especially now that the story is picking up in the final stretch.

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