Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kim Kardashian To Go On Sisters Honeymoon

Kim Kardashian No ClothesIt appears that one of the most famous women in reality television will be joining her sister on her upcoming honeymoon. Kim Kardashian has told reporters that she plan on joining her sister, Khloe and new husband, Lamar Odom, on an upcoming honeymoon.

Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom were married in September 2009, but have yet to take a vacation because of their work schedules. Odom is a professional basketball player with the Los Angeles Lakers and will not have any free time for at least the next couple weeks.

For now, the honeymoon plans appear a bit stalled. The couple has not agreed to anything, but it appears they are leaning to a trip to Europe. Once she heard of her sister's plans, Kim Kardashian decided she wanted to go along as well. While Khloe had no issues with her sister joining in on the fun, Kim now appears to feel bad about tagging along and stated that she didn't know the trip would end up being the couple's honeymoon.

Rumors are swirling that this may be a last fun filled hurrah for Odom and Kardashian before the celebrity couple decides to settle down and try to have kids.


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