Thursday, October 7, 2010

Trina Leaked Photos

trina leaked photosTrina Leaked Photos: An American rapper Trina in Miami, Florida. Her full name Katherine Laverna Taylor. She was born December 3 1978.Trina African American girl living in Miami. She graduated from Northwestern Miami High School and after high school she worked in the office as part-time work and studied real estate sales.

With true age, she loved music, not just simple music she wanted to become a hip-hop, rap. This was her dream to become one of the best in the rap music world. In addition, it learns to use a lot of practice, and its unusual talent helped her a lot closer to her dream come true.

In 2001 she released her first album, August 27, 2002 she released her second album Diamond Princess in the song smash hit USA.Its BR Right impressed people and became very popular. In 2005 his third studio album, and charted at no 11 on the Billboard albums. Album Glamorest Life has sold over 400 000 units in the U.S.. Then her album causes another attack in the media, and it has 10 hits, she also received numerous awards as a favorite artist female rapper.

Now the day when it encounters a serious problem. Trina is the latest victim of her private cell phone photos leaked. She is very upset. Her personal photos are now on the Internet and on television. According to her, some jealous people want to disturb her, and want the death of popularity, but some people believe that these pictures planned program to become famous.

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