Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oliver Stone Returns With His New Movie On Recession

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Oliver stone makes a come back to the screen with his all time hit "Wall Street" were the bad guys are replaced with big banks that brought the recession into our world. Michael Douglas is also sharing screen with him and plays the role of the corporate raider Gordon Gekko.

The film which analysis the reasons for the economic crisis is partly a morality tale and partly a revenge thriller. The film tries to point out were the regulators of the market have gone wrong and what was the government doing at the time of crisis.

The film would be premiered in this year's Cannes film festival and would be releasing worldwide in the coming September.

The film is made at a time when the signs of economic recovery are a topic of concern. More countries like Greece, Portugal and Spain are now facing tough times and the whole world is in a fear whether there would be yet another economic recession.

The film weaves a fiction out of the economic crisis and tries to explain whether capitalism is something good or bad. Stone says, when he made wall street in 1987, he thought then that the system would correct of his own and it has still not happened.


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