Friday, December 24, 2010

Express Fashion

Express Fashion, Express Zenovka, I had a long inner battle over this post. Express thinks that I've forgotten the base treachery of my humiliating defeat at his hands, but oh no ― my memory is long. And then here he was, in my hands! I admit that I pondered photoshopping him onto something really really weird… but in the end, I rose above and decided to let sleeping blogger challenges lie. Here's Express, looking geeky and adorkable in his prim feet (with manicured toes) and glasses. Thanks for trusting me, Express! Turns out I'm trustworthy after all. :D



***skin: -Belleza- Thomas V2 Deep Tan 0 (Bald)

***hair: >TRUTH< Hank � night

***jeans: Zaara � Classic Jeans *Indigo*

***glasses: ROLE OPTIC SG-56 Arcadi

***necklace: Hematite Tooth & Black&White Necklaces � The Golden Fleece

***tattoo: AITUI TATTOO � Fool of Fowles /worn/

***bracelet: A&C LONGBOW Bracelet Birdeye Black Leather

***feet: SLink Jolie Pied for Men Low


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