Sunday, December 5, 2010

Shraddha Kapoor

Shraddha Kapoor: Latest News About updates? Shraddha Kapoor,, Shraddha Kapoor-Daughter of? Shakti Kpoor.She's no babe in the woods. Because this gal hails from a khandaan that boasts of father Shakti Kapoor, aunt Padmini Kolhapure and grandfather Pandit Pandharinath Kolhapure."I grew up in an atmosphere where I saw my father leaving early for work, having odd hours and then to see the difference between him on-screen and the way he was off-screen. I found the whole process of becoming someone else fascinating!",she says.

She'll be strumming a new tune. Not on the guitar, though, which she mastered after six months of consistent learning.Of course, she's lucky to have an acting guru at home itself. "He is so humorous that I got to learn a lot just by observing him," she adds about dad and filmi bad guy Shakti. She's extremely confident, 'ambitious' in her own words and believes in her capabilities, and when it comes to Bollywood. "I am ambitious. I like to think and dream about the future," she says.

At 21, Shraddha has four years of theatre expertise behind her, and was also part of a dance troupe at Boston University. Besides, she's honed her histrionics under the famed tutelage of Barry John.

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