Thursday, January 6, 2011

Big Brother 12 Episode 17, Big Brother Episode 17

Big Brother 12 Episode 17, Big Brother Episode 17Latest News Update About Big Brother 12 Episode 17, Big Brother Episode 17: Watch Big Brother 12 Episode 17 this coming on August 15, 2010. The Big Brother 12 Episode 17 will reveal who the new HOH is as well as who the two nominees for eviction are this week. Fire up your Big Brother uncensored cams right now and watch the live feeds to see the noms scramble to save their butts. Big Brother? is a fast moving game where things change on a dime and you never know what will happen. The HOH competition this week was a version of a ropes course, with all of the house guests tied to a rope, which was tangled and knotted along a course. The object was to simply untie all the notes and make their way through the course while connected to the rope. Brendon jumped out to an early lead, with Lane and Hayden not too far behind him. Ragan, Britney, Enzo, and Kathy could not figure out what was going on, and performed terribly again. It's really hard to foresee any of those four actually winning an HOH competition, because Ragan always quits, and the other three have never even come close to winning one. The lead progressed for Brendon, and he flat out blew everybody out of the water. Maybe he has extra energy from having the other house guests dupe him into believing Rachel was staying in the house, but he went on a tear all the way to victory. Brendon became the sixth HOH in the Big Brother 12 house. He then chose Ragan, Britney, and Matt as the three Have Nots for the week, and Britney was not happy about it. Do any viewers think this should have come as a surprise to her?It wasn't as easy as it sounded, and several house guests weren't intelligent enough to figure out how to work the knots. Curious about what’s happening inside the Big Brother 12 house? Stop wondering and start Watch Big Brother 12 Episode 17!

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