Thursday, January 13, 2011

Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen

Confessions Of A Teenage Drama QueenLatest News Update About Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen: Back in the day (circa 2004) before Lindsay Lohan went completely off the deep end, she was in a movie called Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. When the movie first came out my kids were too young for it but we had heard some of the soundtrack and had fun dancing to it.

Yesterday evening Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen was on Disney Channel. My 9 year old and I decided to watch it. I have to admit, I really liked it and so did my daughter. The over the top antics of Lohan's character Lola were believable and unbelievable all at the same time � primarily because Lohan was such a good actress in this part. It's funny that the part was offered to Hilary Duff first, because Lohan really made it her own.

It was also fun to see Megan Fox, who appeared in this summer's hit movie Transformers, playing the part of Lola's arch rival, Carla.

That said, there were some parts of the movie that proved to be rather ironic when you look at the troubled past few years she has had. In more than one place in the movie, Lola talks about her rock star idol, Stu, noting that all brilliant poets are tortured souls. Miss Lohan is truly a gifted actress � with a tortured soul and some poor decision making skills.

And there is the part where Lola tells Stu that he is a drunk and that she doesn't want to have a conversation with a drunk. Too bad someone that Lohan admires doesn't say the same to her and bring her back to reality.

Anyhow, if you haven't seen Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, its a great Sunday afternoon rental � it's just fun.

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