Friday, January 14, 2011

Shiloh Jolie Pitt

Shiloh Jolie Pitt, Angelina Jolie has talked about this before — Shiloh ?wishes she were one of the boys! That’s why they threw her a soldier themed birthday party.
Angelina opened up in Vanity Fair magazine and says of her four year old daughter, she’s,
“like a little dude. Shiloh, we feel, has Montenegro style. It’s how people dress there. She likes tracksuits, she likes [regular] suits. She likes to dress like a boy. She wants to be a boy. So we had to cut her hair. She likes to wear boys’ everything. She thinks she’s one of the brothers.”
She adds that Shiloh behaves in a similar way to herself as a child.
“Shiloh's hysterically funny, one of the goofiest, most playful people you'll ever meet,” she says. “….Goofy and verbal, the early signs of a performer. I used to get dressed up in costumes and jump around.”
Keep reading to hear what Angelina has to say about the rest of the kids, her relationship with Brad Pitt, and marriage.



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