Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stephanie Seymour Hot

New York, Stephanie Seymour Hot: Former Victoria’s Secret model Stephanie Seymour was almost held in contempt of the court after missing a drug test because she was on vacation, the New York Post reports. Seymour has to undergo the routine tests as part of her divorce from Peter Brant, but she missed one in March because she was in St. Barts with two of her kids. Seymour said she didn’t see e-mails from her lawyer Tom Colin (who has since been relieved of his duty) while she was away.
Brant’s kids’ lawyer Lacey Bernier previously expressed concern Seymour would mix alcohol and prescription drugs. Bernier said, “All of the kids that I interviewed, they all had memories of her drunk.” Brant’s lawyers now want Seymour to be banned from drinking.



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