Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 9, True Blood Everything is Broken

True Blood Everything is BrokenLatest News Update AboutTrue Blood Everything is Broken: After last week's marvelous episode of TRUE BLOOD, this week's episode "Everything Is Broken" didn't thrill me as much, but there were plenty of great things to talk about nonetheless. So let's get to it. Sookie and Bill Compared to last week, we didn't get as much of Sookie and Bill in this episode to my chagrin. I really love these two, especially this season. However, we did find out that Sookie's little cousin has the same abilities she has. Apparently it runs in the family. And of course Sookie finally asked Bill about the file he kept on her, which turns out wasn't that big a deal.

But what was really interesting in this episode is that Bill found himself in the same "afterlife" place that Sookie went when she was in the coma. And he found out what Sookie is. But of course did the writers decide to tell us in this episode? Of course not, we'll have to wait another week for that. Can't wait!!!

Hoyt and Jessica

First off, Hoyt's new girlfriend is a nightmare. She is sooo annoying and oh guess what, Hoyt thinks so too. And his reason for staying with her is so sweet that you can't even fault him for it. But after that moment he had with Jessica, I'm guessing sparks may fly once again between these two. At least, I really hope so. They really are the cutest couple (although Lafayette and Jesus might be heading to the #1 spot).


I'm starting to like Tommy less and less every week, and it seems it's also taking a toll on Sam, who totally lost it and kicked the shit out of Crystal's father. Can anyone say "stress is bad for you"?


I honestly don't understand why Jason is so attached to Crystal who obviously has issues, lots of them. I just wish he had something more interesting to do than hanging out with Crystal trying to help her get away from her family. He only had one redeeming scene in tonight's episode, which I will talk about in Tara's section (you know which one I'm talking about).


And for the biggest surprise of the night: Franklin's not dead!

Although to be fair, Eric kept telling me that he probably wasn't dead because we didn't see him explode like Lorena did. So I guess he was right. But I guess the surprise was short lived since he was then killed (for real this time) by none other than Jason (the one redeeming scene I mentioned above of course).

Did anybody notice that this is the second guy he kills involved with Tara?


Eric gets put on house arrest and comes clean to the authorities about Russell, the only problem they don't really want to deal with it. Instead they allow Eric to take care of Russell himself (off the books of course). But here's a tiny problem, Russell is older than Eric by, oh I don't know, thousands of years!!!


Tonight's cliffhanger (and last scene) was for lack of a better word fraktastic! I mean in less than minute, Russell went psycho, killed an anchorman with one hand, and ruined everything the vampire authorities have spent years building. I mean you have to admire that! It's sick!

And that leaves me waiting impatiently for next week, as I'm sure you are too. But until then, share some of your thoughts on tonight's episode below. Did you like the episode? Were you as shocked as I was by Russell's last scene? What about Crystal? Are you as annoyed as I am with her?

[As always please try to avoid the book spoilers for those who haven’t read them yet. If you do write a book spoiler without specifying that it is a spoiler beforehand, it will be removed immediately.


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